Quote on wall in DMF center that reads "The only disability in life is a bad attitude"

Our teamThe people who make it happen

Meet the passionate people with expertise in business, education, and music working together to make a meaningful impact on our community.

Daniel Trush

Co-Founder & President

Headshot of Daniel Trush

Ken Trush

Co-Founder & Managing Director

Headshot of Ken Trush

Nancy Trush

Co-Founder & Director

Headshot of Nancy Trush

Michael Trush

Co-Founder & Director

Headshot of Michael Trush

Juliana Beekmans

Director of Teaching and Learning

Headshot of Juliana Beekmans

Nadine McNeil

Program Director

Headshot of Nadine McNeil

Gerry Powers

Artistic Director

Headshot of Gerry Powers

Carla Sullivan

Marketing & Disability Awareness Director

Headshot of Carla Sullivan

Jonah Bealy

Development & Marketing Associate

Headshot of Jonah Bealy

David Bedard


Headshot of David Bedard

Michaela Ingram


Headshot of Michaela Ingram

Jaime Palmer


Headshot of Jaime Palmer

Stefani Recheshter


Headshot of Stefani Recheshter

Scott Schmitz


Headshot of Scott Schmitz

Jennifer Sheehan


Headshot of Jennifer Sheehan

David Vera

Music Center Support Staff

Headshot of David Vera

Martika Wilson

Grant Writer

Headshot of Martika Ornella-Wilson

Interested in becoming one of our instructors?

With growing demand for both online and in-person music programs, we’re always looking for more instructors. If you’re interested in joining us, let us know why you would be a great fit!
